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Is Kerastase Vegan? The Truth Behind Your Favorite Hair Products!

Is Kerastase Vegan

Hey there! If you’re a conscious consumer who cares about the well-being of animals and the environment, you might wonder: “Is Kerastase vegan and cruelty-free?

Well, I’ve done some digging and am here to share the honest truth about this luxury haircare brand. Let’s dive in!

Is Kerastase Vegan?

is kerastase vegan

Okay, here’s the thing with Kerastase: No, Kerastase is not vegan. They are owned by L’Oreal, which still conducts animal research in certain locations. In addition, several of their products include honey, beeswax, or silk.

Kerastase does not currently have a dedicated vegan haircare line, but they offer some individual products marketed as vegan-friendly. Kerastase offers a few products labeled “vegan” or marked with a special vegan symbol.

As someone who tries to live a vegan lifestyle, I find it helpful to thoroughly research products before purchasing. Identifying vegan Kerastase products requires diligent label-reading and investigation into their ingredient sources.

So, if you’re seeking for vegan hair care, Kerastase isn’t your jam. But, hey, there are lots of alternative companies out there that will keep your hair looking great without using animal products.

Is Kerastase Cruelty Free?

is kerastase cruelty free

First off, let’s talk about animal testing. This is when companies use animals like rabbits or mice to test the safety of their products or ingredients.

It’s a cruel and outdated practice that many brands have thankfully moved away from. So, what’s Kerastase’s stance? 

Look, I’ll tell you straight: Kerastase is not cruelty-free. They are part of L’Oreal, which continues to do animal testing in certain countries where it is required by law.

So, if you want to stick to companies that don’t test on animals, Kerastase doesn’t cut it. It’s disappointing for animal lovers who like their products, but that’s the fact.

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Challenges and Limitations

kerastase hair products

I know what you’re thinking – “Why is it so hard for a big brand like Kerastase to be fully vegan and cruelty-free?”

Well, here’s the deal. Sourcing high-quality vegan ingredients that perform as well as animal-derived ones can be seriously challenging and expensive. There are also cross-contamination risks at manufacturing facilities that handle vegan and non-vegan products.

It comes down to consumer demand. More and more people want transparency about what’s in their beauty products. Ethical, sustainable, and cruelty-free practices are becoming a significant priority.  

Kerastase may be a better match for you, but better haircare exists. Then Kerastase.. But if you’re okay with possibly varying amounts of non-vegan ingredients, their plant-based formulas are worth considering.

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Final Verdict

My advice? Do your research by closely examining ingredient lists, contacting the brand, and looking for legitimate third-party certifications. That’s the best way to verify a company’s vegan and cruelty-free claims and ensure they align with your values and beliefs.

Kerastase hair loss treatment is trying to move in a more ethical and sustainable direction by offering some confirmed vegan options and it is not cruelty-free. But some grey areas still prevent me from giving them a spotless slate.

FAQ’s Related to “Is Kerastase Vegan?”


This honest look at Kerastase’s animal testing policies and use of vegan ingredients has helped clarify things! Making informed decisions as a consumer is so important.

Suppose this inspires you to dig deeper or explore alternative brands even better. The more we demand transparency, the more the beauty industry will be forced to change for the better. Keep being a conscious customer, buddies!

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